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March this year had had two dates dedicated to women: International women’s day and Mother’s day. A great way to remember and honour inspirational women who have inspired you, whether that is someone widely recognised or whether this is someone close to home, an everyday hero.

I find inspiration from various people on a daily basis, and it might even inspire me to do something stupid, like getting up early to practise hula hooping! I can think of at least four inspirations this month. Four inspirations in two categories: exercise and rubbish.

Inspiration 1 - Plastic

Plastic is so embedded in our culture. Stop for a moment and just look down at where you are and notice what items are plastic…

I’m at my desk at home and I can see a biro, lipsalve, notebook, phone cover and storage, all of which have an element of plastic.

I am aware of plastic and its impact on the environment, but that is not enough, I need to make some permanent changes to make an impact. Make-up has been one area I struggle with, to be fair, a lot of the stuff I buy last’s for ages, but that doesn’t make up for the zillions of years it takes for plastic to be broken down!

Looking at has provided me with some ideas and brands that I can try out. Check out Sophie’s website, she has done all the research so you only have to stop at her website for ideas and inspiration. I’m looking forward to trying some of the recommendations, and I’ll regularly check in for inspiration and reminders.

You might not have the time or inclination to make a huge change, but even if it’s one tiny change, every little helps.

N.B. If you are going to make a big change please, please don’t throw everything out to start afresh, make use of everything you have and make those small changes, that way the effect will become a habit and it will likely be a lifetime change. So many people start afresh, but that also becomes part of the problem.

Thank you Sophie for your inspiration!

Inspiration 2 - Rubbish

Speaking of throwing things out. Not everything ends up in a bin, sometimes it ends up in your garden or in the park where you take your kids and dogs for walks. Some people are completely oblivious to bins and seem to think this planet is big enough to hide all of our sins. Rubbish seems to be caught up everywhere, it floats around and is often visible out of the corner of your eye. Inspiration number two comes from seeing a local resident start her own litter pick one day and sharing how much she had collected in a short time. Just in time for Keep Britain tidy which runs from 22nd March to 23rd April this year. I’m joining a group on Saturday, it will be good to be part of a team effort, and hopefully make a bigger impact. Look out for community events, what a better time to be part of a spring clean. The cleaner our green spaces are, the more likely it will stay tidy.

Thank you Vici for your inspiration!

Inspiration 3 – Hula Hooping

I’ve always loved the idea of hula hooping but I’ve been particularly rubbish at it. One summer I combined a mini morning workout of skipping and hula, I spent more time picking up the hula hoop! Inspiration came from an older client who is brilliant at hula and we had a little practice before class one day. It inspired me to start up my outdoor skipping and hula morning workout again, better now the mornings are warmer and lighter.

Thank you Christine for your inspiration!

Inspiration 4 - Cycling

And finally…back in 2012 I felt inspired to cycle to Box Hill, I never made it, but I was cycling to work on a regular basis, so it was a start. After having a conversation with another regular class member about cycling outdoors I mentioned my target of Box Hill and committed to achieving this target by September!

Never commit to things publicly unless you’re serious!

I took my bike for a service at Cycle Power in Worcester park who did a great job. My bike always rides beautifully after it’s been in. In fact they turned it around in time for a nice little warm up ride on Sunday, the first proper ride of the year. The Box Hill route is a 22 mile round trip, which doesn’t sound much, but there are quite a few steep hills along the way. I managed just 16 miles on Sunday which I thought was ok for a first ride out. Looking forward the view on Box Hill soon.

Thank you Janice for your inspiration!

I love chatting to people and hearing their stories, and I love that my job means I meet such a variety of people. Thank you to all the women who have inspired me this month and every day! Who has been your inspiration of the day, week, month or year?

*First published March 2019

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